Nuclear compartment-associated genome architecture

GO-CaRT maps nuclear compartments with high speed!
Ahanger, Delgado, et al., Nature Neurosci 2021.
Long non-coding RNA (lncrnA) function in neural development

Pnky (yes, like Pinky and the Brain) holds the door for neuronal production from stem cells.
Ramos, Andersen, et al., Cell Stem Cell 2015
Andersen, Hong, et al., Dev Cell 2019
Chromatin regulators and neural stem cell identity

Chromatin regulator MLL1 helps neural stem cells "remember" their positional identity as the brain gets larger and anatomically more complex.
Delgado, Mansky, et al., Science 2020
Systematic CRISPR-based screens for genome function

lncRNAs have exquisitely cell type-specific function. Machine learning identifies predictors of function. Comparison to all coding genes and Perturb-seq reveals unique lncRNA function in neural development.
Liu, Horlbeck, et al., Science 2017
Wu, et al., Cell Genomics 2022
Novel molecular mechanisms of glioblastoma (GBM)

Green "clouds" of a oncogenic lncRNA in the nucleus of GBM.
He, et al., PNAS 2021.
Interdisciplinary interactions for clinical development

When engineers, neurosurgeons and stem cell scientists meet...
Silvestrini, et al., Mol Therapy 2015.
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